
Vagrant for Fun and Testing

While Vagrant is marketed as a development environment creator, it can also be great for quick test environments

Chase Putnam

4 minute read

In my first experimentations for using Vagrant to create a local, standardized development environment, an idea with a larger impact began to form in my mind. Dynamic, testing environment creation.

Vagrant for Bash Scripting

Creating a bash script to provision a Vagrant Virtual Machine

Chase Putnam

3 minute read

Coming from a background in systems administration as well as software development, when I first found out about the Vagrant Virtual Machine configuration platform Vagrant by HashiCorp, instead of going toward also learing a new build/configuration management system for Os level configurations and software installation, like Ansible, Chef, or Puppet, I instead first thought about seeing how easy it could be to migrate some local development machine bash configuration scripts to being used with…